The Committee on Concepts and Methods (C&M) is a Research Committee of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). Founded by Giovanni Sartori and friends, C&M was the first research committee recognized by IPSA in 1970. C&M remains one of IPSA's most active Research Committees. Its institutional home, and sponsor, traditionally rotates with its Chair. C&M is currently housed at the University of Texas at Austin and before that at CIDE in Mexico City and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. C&M promotes conceptual and methodological discussion in political science. It provides a forum of debate for adherents of methodological schools who otherwise tend to conduct their deliberations at separate tables.
- The committee has periodically published two Working Paper Series. Political Concepts focuses on concept analysis and language-use in politics, Political Methodology on research design, theory building, and theory testing in the study of politics. The series are on hold as the committee considers alternative publication strategies.
- The triennial C&M Award on Concept Analysis in Political Science rewards conceptual work of excellence in the study of politics. The triennial Best C&M Working Paper Award recognizes outstanding contributions to our working paper series.
- The C&M collection of syllabi covers graduate and undergraduate courses on political language, concepts, and measurement.
- Les Intraduisibles, the Dictionary of Untranslatable Terms in Politics, discusses political terms of difficult translation from and into English.
- News from Members reports on research projects, publications, conferences, and professional news from C&M members.
- Membership in C&M is open to scholars worldwide and is free. It allows you to submit news, post course syllabi, vote in C&M elections, and share contact information and research interests with other members.
News & Highlights
Call for Submissions: 2024 Concept Award! The call is now open for the best work (book & article) on concepts & methods over the last three years. Everything you need to know to submit is here.
The IPSA 2023 Business Meeting. If you are in Buenos Aires, please attend the committee's business meeting. July 17 at 12:45-1:45PM in Room SJ2 201.
In Memoriam. On April 4, 2017, we lost a great one. Giovanni Sartori was not only one of the most creative and influential thinkers of our time, but he was also somebody who built and fostered intellectual communities, including this research committee. To say that he will be missed is an enormous understatement.

Latest C&M Working Papers
"Peirce’s Semeiotics: A Methodology for Bridging the Material-Ideational Divide in IR Scholarship", November 2014